The first crop formation of 2018 appeared on May 8th near Willoughby Hedge, United Kingdom.
Although I was not quite impressed by the quality of the layout I was curious to know why it looks as it looks and why it is on this particular spot.
I will give you a few first impressions.

The next picture shows the position in the field and the striking thing is that the placement appears not to be haphazard at all.
It is where it is and it looks how it looks for a few very good reasons!
1) The orientation of two legs is exactly North - South.
2) The "body" of the "insect" lies in the direction 61˚ EastNorthEast to 243˚ WestSouthWest.
3) Two "feet" of the "insect" lie in the direction 300˚ WestNorthWest to 118˚57' EastSouthEast.
What could this mean?
Further research learned me that these oriëntations show the sunrise and sunset on certain dates.
The upper part of the"body" (with the two smaller circles (the eyes?) points at the sunrise on May 8th 2018: the day the crop formation was reported.
The lower part of the "body" points at the sunset on November 9th 2018.
The left upper "leg" points at the sunset on May 8th 2018 and the lower right leg points at the sunrise on November 11th 2018.

Why these dates? Perhaps we will get an answer to this question further in the season?
Seeing new crop formations I always wonder if there could be a relationship "over time" with crop formations from previous years.
I am still(!) working on Part 4 of The Chapel Connection concerning the 2017 crop formation near Cerne Abbas
and it will be published soon.
This is the Cerne Abbas formation of 2017.
What struck me in the Willoughby Hedge formation was the following.
In the next picture you see a few more lines.
The yellow line is the line which directly connects the Cerne Abbas formation to Silbury Hill.
The upper red line connects to Silbury Hill and the lower red line to Cerne Abbas.
Conclusion: Willoughby Hedge is not positioned precisely on the line Cerne Abbas - Silbury Hill.
The dark blue line is the diameter of Willoughby Hedge measured from the edges of the outermost small circles.
The diameter is very close to 33 meters (33,4 meters to be precise).
The distance of the centre of the crop formation (the light blue line) to the yellow Cerne Abbas-Silbury Hill line is also very close to.........33 meters (32,7meters).
The difference is 0,7 meters.
This is obviously a major coïncidence! (LOL)

Have a look at Willoughby Hedge Part 2 & Stay Tuned!