In PART 1 we have seen that phi relationships exist in in the positions of crop formation relative to each other and to so called sacred places.
MadronHoly Well, Kapellenweg (Chapel Road), Lourdes,Fatima.
I do not have an explanation for this (yet).
As the subtitle of the first article suggests I am not a religious person: I am not a member of any church or a believer of the Western idea of a God in the old fashioned way, the “man” with “a beard” on a cloud who created the Universe in seven days.
Other religions which have explainations for the creation of the Universe do not satisfy me either.
That I don't “believe” does not mean that I am a-spiritual.
I just think that there is much more to it than we can ever grasp mentally or scientificly.
The Christian religion (or what is left of it in modern society) still plays an often unconscious role in daily life.
Many of us (myself included) are brought up with Christian religion and maybe you can say that it is in our genes after 2000 years, not counting 125.000 or more years B.C. where Homo Sapiens worshipped
the “Gods” of nature.
So perhaps you can say that it is in our genes to worship something which is unknown but greater, more mighty and more holy than ourselves.
In earlier articles I was wondering why there seems to exist a -probably unconscious- urge for people to create crop formations.
I stress the word people because I am convinced that the majority of crop formations is made by some “Homo Sapienses” although they sometimes don't know why they make them (they feel an urge to do it) or, and that is my fascination, where they make them.
Trying to figure this out I did some remarkable findings.
The facts I present to you are the result of copy-pasting arial images of crop formations in Google Earth.
I fit them as precise as possible in the landscape and sometimes this is easy when the photographs are taken straight overhead.
It's more difficult when the angle is not right or lenses are used which deform the image.
The result then is a fairly accurate view of the position of the crop formation.
Sometimes it is possible to have a hard confirmation of my accuracy.
Google Earth updates its satellite images regularly so in some cases the image of the crop formation is right there and there can be no doubt about it's exact position!
One example for this is the crop formation near Cerne Abbas.
More details about this later on in PART 4 of this article.
Google Earth Crop Circle Connector
In PART 1 I showed you this map:
There is one line which needs further explanation and it is this one:
This line (red) is the line of the crop formation at Kapellenweg, The Netherlands to the one in Carmen de Areco, Argentina, reported March 11th2017 which looks like this:
which has some resemblance with this one: Madron Holy Well.
The line which connects Kapellenweg with Carmen de Areco makes junctions with other lines and could it be that phi relationships (ϕ) play a role as well here?
1 The middle of line Madron=>Lourdes lies on 444,50 km
Madron to line Kapellenweg=>Carmen = 434,50
Lourdes to line Kapellenweg=>Carmen = 454,50
The line Kapellenweg=>Carmen cuts the Madron/Lourdes line almost in the middle (+ and - 10 km's)
2 Junction E
Madron=>Odetto = 1.142 km ϕ= 706
Odetto to line Kapellenweg=>Carmen =710 (deviation 0,56%)
3 Junction F
Madron => Crezancy = 691 cϕ= 427
Madron to line Kapellenweg=>Carmen = 436 (deviation 2,06%)
I am still researching more aspects of the line Kapellenweg-Carmen de Areco and I will update this page as soon I have more information.
For now I want to tell you about the crop formations near Etchilhampton reported in August 2015.
What is so special about them?
In Part 1 of this article (read this first if you didn't already) I wrote:
"Because we know the exact dates of the apparitions in Fatima it is possible to figure out what happened 98,27 (= 98 years + 98/99 days) after a certain date.
My question is: was there a crop formation formed 98 years + 98/99 days (0,27 x 365 = 98,55) after the dates of the appiritions in Fatima which could have a relationship to this event or the one in Lourdes?"
The following days do not have a hit in the form of a crop formation:
June 13th day 164 + 98/99 = day 263 = September 19/20
July 13th day 194 + 98/99 = day 293 = October 19/20
August 13th day 225 + 98/99 = day 324 = November 19/20
August 19th: day 231 + 98/99 = day 330 = November 25/26
October 13th: day 286 + 98/99 = day 385 = January 19/20 2016
The only day linked to May 13th 1917 is:
May 13th = day 133 + 98/99 = day 231/232 = August 19 or 20 2015.
On August 19th Etchilhampton (2), nr Devizes, Wiltshire was reported.
This crop formation was formed 98 years + 98 days after the first apparition and at the same time 98 years after the fourth apparition.
This must be a coïncidence (LOL)!
I copied and pasted it in Google Earth and connected it with some relevant other places....
The “anomalies”: two blocks of standing wheat which look like mistakes of the circlemakers are highlighted in red and yellow.
Etchilhampton (1) reported August 3th 2015 lies some 300 metres north of Etchilhampton (2).
1 The line Etchilhampton (1) => Etchilhampton (2) => Lourdes is a straight line
2 The line Madron => Etchilhampton (2) => Hopton is a practically straight line
3 The lines to Fatima, Madron and the line to the middel of line Madron/Hopton run straight
through the middel of the hexagons
4 The line to Hopton runs through the middle of the red block
5 The yellow block is enclosed by the lines to Odetto and the middle of the line Kapellenweg=>Odetto
6 The line to the “phi-point” of the line Lourdes=>Kapellenweg runs through the middle of the
yellow block.
In the picture you can see the result of connecting the centre of the crop formation to:
Madron distance 289 km
Fatima 1.403 km
Lourdes 927 km
Odetto 1.003 km
Kapellenweg 587 km
Phi point Lourdes=>Kapellenweg 496 km
Middle Kapellenweg=>Odetto 714 km
Middle Madron=>Hopton = Oliver's Castle (latest crop formation April 24th2017)
Hopton* 285 km
*Why is Hopton in these measures?
The Michael & Mary Line runs from Carn Les Boel in Cornwall to Hopton in Norfolk.
Plotting (file: The St. Michael Line in UK.kml) in Google Earth and measuring the straight line between the first crossing of the M&M Line near Carn les Boel and the last crossing in Hopton it appears that it measures 587 km.
The distance of Madron (close to Carn les Boel) and Hopton is 574,53 km.
The middle of this distance is 287 km.
So: Etchilhampton (2) 2015 lies on 2 km's difference in the middle of the Michael & Mary Line (deviation = ??%)
Oliver's castle (an old hill fort and recurrent crop formation site) lies exactly in the middle of the M&M Line.
Red: Carn les Boel and Hopton
Blue: Madron
Green: Oliver's Castle
In the course of writing these articles I discover more and more details about the phi-relationships so I will update these pages regularly.
Stay tuned for PART 3 (and 4 and 5 and ..)!