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Paradigms and Ignorance Part 1




The crop formation at Yarnbury Castle shows again the multi interpretability of the meaning of the design (which doesn't have to have any relationship to the quality of the execution of the design, but that is a different story).

Interpretations enough with this formation: “a bee and it's bee hive”, “alien jokes with morse code”, “an uncanny relationship to a variation on benzene”, “the water strider from the first crop formation at Willoughby Hedge which wings have grown and now flies through the air”, next to a “flying fish in the landscape”.


These interpretations are the result of the paradigms from which the researchers look at crop circles and the world.

A paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.

Thomas Kuhn, a science historian, defines it as "universally recognized scientific achievements that, for a time, provide model problems and solutions for a community of practitioners”.

So it is about:

what is to be observed and scrutinized

the kind of questions that are supposed to be asked and probed for answers in relation to this subject 

how these questions are to be structured 

what predictions made by the primary theory within the discipline 

how the results of scientific investigations should be interpreted 

how an experiment is to be conducted, and 

what equipment is available to conduct the experiment.


Some paradigms in the – not to be called 'scientific'- research of crop circles are: 

“All crop circles are made by aliens”, 

“All crop circles are made by the Mayan Gods” 

“All crop circles are signs of the returning of Jesus” 

“All crop circles are signs that the Earth is crying for help” 

and (certainly not last and definitely not unimportant)

“All crop circles are made by men with ropes and boards”.

These paradigms prevent looking with a unprejudiced eye, they colour interpretation and exclude any other possibility.


“If we build a paradigm starting with a belief, that belief will inform every aspect of the paradigm and everything that proceeds from it will simply be an expansion of the fundamental assumption contained within it.

Experience must be the ultimate test of reality and therefor the ultimate science must be the science of experience itself.

All there is to experience is mind and all there is to mind is consciousness.

A culture that is based upon any other understanding is bound in the end to destroy itself, for the ignorence at its heart – the ignoring of

reality – will sooner or later rise up and turn people against themselves, their planet and one another”

Rupert Spira in The Nature of Consciousness, Essays on the Unity of Mind and Matter


Probably that is why the world of crop circle researchers is so divided: they are stuck in their paradigms which do not combine and can totally oppose each other.

Probably that is why Francesco Grassi gets these furious reactions and that his latest creation is not on the Crop Circle Connector pages?

He is a hoaxer and he enjoys it.

He is certainly not a debunker (exposing the falseness or hollowness of an idea of belief).

I have never seen or heard that he denies other possibilities or that he ridicules anyone. 

He just wants to prove that humans can create neat crop circles and he does it.

He just makes crop circles in Italy with his team, period, (or claims that he makes them, who will ever know?).

He plays with us by making not the worst examples of crop formations and to encode messages as puzzles which trigger the 'believers' of any paradigm.


Researchers who don't see that what he does is the same thing as what happens in the U.K are ignoring reality.

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